Confirmed Speakers
- Carlos Amendola - Berlin Institute of Technology (TU Berlin)
- Guilles Blanchard - University Paris-Saclay
- Sanjoy Dasgupta - University of California San Diego (UCSD)
- Eustasio del Barrio - University of Valladolid (UVa)
- Yoav Freund - University of California San Diego (UCSD)
- Peter Grünwald - CWI and Leiden University
- Niao He - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich (ETH Zurich)
- Vladimir R. Kostic - Italian Institute of Technology (IIT)
- Christoph Lampert - Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA)
- Julien Mairal - French Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation (INRIA)
- Andres Masegosa - Aalborg University (AAU)
- Santiago Mazuelas - Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM)
- Peyman Mohajerin Esfahani - Delft University of Technology (TU Delft)
- Krikamol Muandet - Helmholtz Center for Information Security (CISPA)
- Gergely Neu - Pompeu Fabra University (UPF)
- Clayton Scott - University of Michigan
- Eli Upfal - Brown University
- Fanny Yang - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich (ETH Zurich)